September 2, 2010

6 Baffling Flaws in Famous Sci-Fi Technology

As a species, we are tool makers first and foremost. That's why we love to see gadgets in our movies, and to watch our Captain Picards and Batmans and David Hasselhoffs defeat the bad guys with technology we know we'll never own.

But in the course of trying to dazzle us with their fancy spaceships and battle vehicles, sometimes Hollywood forgets to make sense.

However, in response to #3 (The Batwing), the flaw is explained away by a Jungian analysis of Tim Burton's 1989 Batman by Robert E. Terrill found here (PDF) - entitled, "Put on a happy face: Batman as a schizophrenic savior."


  1. HAHAH! Awesome! I knew the AT AT had a blindspot!

  2. My favorite was where they talk about reactors of the future being incredibly unstable. "In the future, everything is 400% more explosive"
