November 25, 2009

Google apologizes for results of 'Michelle Obama' image search

For most of the past week, when someone typed "Michelle Obama" in the popular search engine Google, one of the first images that came up was a picture of the American first lady altered to resemble a monkey.

On Wednesday morning, the racially offensive image appeared to have been removed from any Google Image searches for "Michelle Obama."

CNN Tech

Congress may probe faked global warming data

The US Congress could start an investigation into leaked emails which suggest climate change statistics have been consistently manipulated to make the case for anthropogenic global warming more credible.

The emails leaked from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in the UK - which claims to be the repository for the most comprehensive set of climate data on the planet - contain what many observers see as clear evidence that scientists have been altering that data to fit in with their man-made global warming beliefs.

Earlier this week, Oklahoma senator James Inhofe said on his website that the UEA emails suggest researchers 'cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not.' Other senators are also considering whether an investigation is warranted.

TG Daily